Source code for searx.engines.google_images

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""This is the implementation of the google images engine.

.. admonition:: Content-Security-Policy (CSP)

   This engine needs to allow images from the `data URLs`_ (prefixed with the
   ``data:`` scheme)::

       Header set Content-Security-Policy "img-src 'self' data: ;"

.. _data URLs:

import re
from urllib.parse import urlencode, unquote
from lxml import html

from searx.utils import (

from import (

# pylint: disable=unused-import
from import supported_languages_url, _fetch_supported_languages

# pylint: enable=unused-import

# about
about = {
    "website": '',
    "wikidata_id": 'Q521550',
    "official_api_documentation": '',
    "use_official_api": False,
    "require_api_key": False,
    "results": 'HTML',

# engine dependent config
categories = ['images', 'web']
paging = False
use_locale_domain = True
time_range_support = True
safesearch = True

filter_mapping = {0: 'images', 1: 'active', 2: 'active'}

[docs]def scrap_out_thumbs(dom): """Scrap out thumbnail data from <script> tags.""" ret_val = {} for script in eval_xpath(dom, '//script[contains(., "_setImgSrc(")]'): _script = script.text # _setImgSrc('0','data:image\/jpeg;base64,\/9j\/4AAQSkZJR ....'); _thumb_no, _img_data = _script[len("_setImgSrc(") : -2].split(",", 1) _thumb_no = _thumb_no.replace("'", "") _img_data = _img_data.replace("'", "") _img_data = _img_data.replace(r"\/", r"/") ret_val[_thumb_no] = _img_data.replace(r"\x3d", "=") return ret_val
# [0, "-H96xjSoW5DsgM", ["", 155, 324] # , ["", 576, 1200], _RE_JS_IMAGE_URL = re.compile( r'"' r'([^"]*)' # -H96xjSoW5DsgM r'",\s*\["' r'https://[^\.]*\[^"]*' # r'[^\[]*\["' r'(https?://[^"]*)' # ) def parse_urls_img_from_js(dom): # There are two HTML script tags starting with a JS function # 'AF_initDataCallback(...)' # # <script nonce="zscm+Ab/JzBk1Qd4GY6wGQ"> # AF_initDataCallback({key: 'ds:0', hash: '1', data:[], sideChannel: {}}); # </script> # <script nonce="zscm+Ab/JzBk1Qd4GY6wGQ"> # AF_initDataCallback({key: 'ds:1', hash: '2', data:[null,[[["online_chips",[["the big", # ["",null,null,true,[null,0],f # ... # </script> # # The second script contains the URLs of the images. # The AF_initDataCallback(..) is called with very large dictionary, that # looks like JSON but it is not JSON since it contains JS variables and # constants like 'null' (we can't use a JSON parser for). # # The alternative is to parse the entire <script> and find all image URLs by # a regular expression. img_src_script = eval_xpath_getindex(dom, '//script[contains(., "AF_initDataCallback({key: ")]', 1).text data_id_to_img_url = {} for data_id, url in _RE_JS_IMAGE_URL.findall(img_src_script): data_id_to_img_url[data_id] = url return data_id_to_img_url
[docs]def get_img_url_by_data_id(data_id_to_img_url, img_node): """Get full image URL by @data-id from parent element.""" data_id = eval_xpath_getindex(img_node, '../../../@data-id', 0) img_url = data_id_to_img_url.get(data_id, '') img_url = unquote(img_url.replace(r'\u00', r'%')) return img_url
[docs]def request(query, params): """Google-Video search request""" lang_info = get_lang_info(params, supported_languages, language_aliases, False) logger.debug("HTTP header Accept-Language --> %s", lang_info['headers']['Accept-Language']) query_url = ( 'https://' + lang_info['subdomain'] + '/search' + "?" + urlencode( { 'q': query, 'tbm': "isch", **lang_info['params'], 'ie': "utf8", 'oe': "utf8", 'num': 30, } ) ) if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict: query_url += '&' + urlencode({'tbs': 'qdr:' + time_range_dict[params['time_range']]}) if params['safesearch']: query_url += '&' + urlencode({'safe': filter_mapping[params['safesearch']]}) params['url'] = query_url params['headers'].update(lang_info['headers']) params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' return params
[docs]def response(resp): """Get response from google's search request""" results = [] detect_google_sorry(resp) # convert the text to dom dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) img_bas64_map = scrap_out_thumbs(dom) data_id_to_img_url = parse_urls_img_from_js(dom) # parse results # # root element:: # <div id="islmp" ..> # result div per image:: # <div jsmodel="tTXmib"> / <div jsaction="..." data-id="..." # The data-id matches to a item in a json-data structure in:: # <script nonce="I+vqelcy/01CKiBJi5Z1Ow">AF_initDataCallback({key: 'ds:1', ... data:function(){return [ ... # In this structure the link to the origin PNG, JPG or whatever is given # first link per image-div contains a <img> with the data-iid for bas64 encoded image data:: # <img class="rg_i Q4LuWd" data-iid="0" # second link per image-div is the target link:: # <a class="VFACy kGQAp" href=""> # the second link also contains two div tags with the *description* and *publisher*:: # <div class="WGvvNb">The Sacrament of the Last Supper ...</div> # <div class="fxgdke"></div> root = eval_xpath(dom, '//div[@id="islmp"]') if not root: logger.error("did not find root element id='islmp'") return results root = root[0] for img_node in eval_xpath_list(root, './/img[contains(@class, "rg_i")]'): img_alt = eval_xpath_getindex(img_node, '@alt', 0) img_base64_id = eval_xpath(img_node, '@data-iid') if img_base64_id: img_base64_id = img_base64_id[0] thumbnail_src = img_bas64_map[img_base64_id] else: thumbnail_src = eval_xpath(img_node, '@src') if not thumbnail_src: thumbnail_src = eval_xpath(img_node, '@data-src') if thumbnail_src: thumbnail_src = thumbnail_src[0] else: thumbnail_src = '' link_node = eval_xpath_getindex(img_node, '../../../a[2]', 0) url = eval_xpath_getindex(link_node, '@href', 0, None) if url is None: logger.error("missing @href in node: %s", html.tostring(link_node)) continue pub_nodes = eval_xpath(link_node, './div/div') pub_descr = img_alt pub_source = '' if pub_nodes: pub_descr = extract_text(pub_nodes[0]) pub_source = extract_text(pub_nodes[1]) src_url = get_img_url_by_data_id(data_id_to_img_url, img_node) if not src_url: src_url = thumbnail_src results.append( { 'url': url, 'title': img_alt, 'content': pub_descr, 'source': pub_source, 'img_src': src_url, 'thumbnail_src': thumbnail_src, 'template': 'images.html', } ) return results