
You’re spoilt for choice, choose your preferred method of installation.

The Step by step installation is good enough for intranet usage and it is a excellent illustration of how a SearXNG instance is build up. If you place your instance public to the internet you should really consider to install a filtron reverse proxy and for privacy a result proxy is mandatory.

Therefore, if you do not have any special preferences, its recommend to use the Docker installation or the Installation scripts from our tooling box as described below.

Installation scripts

The following will install a setup as shown in Architecture. First you need to get a clone. The clone is only needed for the installation procedure and some maintenance tasks (alternatively you can create your own fork).

For the installation procedure, use a sudoer login to run the scripts. If you install from root, take into account that the scripts are creating a searx, a filtron and a morty user. In the installation procedure these new created users do need read access to the clone of searx, which is not the case if you clone into a folder below /root.

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone searxng
$ cd searxng

Install SearXNG service

This installs SearXNG as described in Step by step installation.

$ sudo -H ./utils/ install all

Install filtron reverse proxy

$ sudo -H ./utils/ install all

Install result proxy

$ sudo -H ./utils/ install all

If all services are running fine, you can add it to your HTTP server:

Install HTTP

Install external plugins

Use SearXNG’s shell to install external plugins. In the example below we install the SearXNG plugins from The Green Web Foundation [ref]:

$ sudo -H ./utils/ shell
// exit with [CTRL-D]
(searx-pyenv) searx@ryzen:~$ pip install git+

In the settings.yml activate the plugins: section and add module only_show_green_results from tgwf-searx-plugins.

  - only_show_green_results


About script’s installation options have a look at chapter Tooling box setup. How to brand your instance see chapter Global Settings. To stash your instance’s setup, git stash your clone’s git:// file .